Just like facebook, google plus also introduced profile cover image feature recently. Google Plus users got a new and innovative way to personalize their G+ profile page with a huge cover image of their liking. In addition to the usual google + profile display picture we can also use this cover image to display additional graphic content to spice-up the public profile page. Talented folks use this space to display their creativity part by brilliantly combining the timeline and profile pictures.
New profile cover picture can be added to both personal profiles as well as business pages. Companies these days use profile cover pictures as a brand building strategy. Those companies which offer services such as brochure printing online, brand building, social media marketing etc. give high priority to personalized custom cover image design services as well.
Here I am presenting you all with a collection of beautiful and creative google plus profile cover images. All of these images are linked to its original source. The images are bookmarked with the original URL, each of these image has its own copyright terms of usage. If you’d like to use one of these images, please contact the copyright owner for the right permission.
About The Author
Deepu Balan
Hi there! I’m a web UI/UX architect. This is my online playground, my beautiful space to share my passions, my work and what I find inspiring.