If you are new to running a web site and you want to learn effective web hosting strategies then you are in the right place. Similar to any file, a web page is also a file which requires a computer to store it but you cannot use your personal computer, as web page is intended to be get accessed by the general public, due to which it requires much higher specifications and must be connected to the internet through a powerful link. The powerful computer used for saving is known as a web server and this method of making websites and web pages to different users around the world is known as ‘web hosting’, and good web hosting is essential for any website. Due to these reasons website owners opt for agencies that have experts in web hosting and digital marketing solutions.
Website hosting is the foundation of any website development, your brand and for your business success, because even a server being down for a couple of hours can severely hurt and ruin your reputation which has taken many years to develop. So, it essential to opt for a good web hosting account, here are some important tips to help find the best web hosting account:
Know about free domains:
Getting a free domain includes a few points which you should know before agreeing to a free domain:
- The hosting company should not retain the ownership, if they do they are going to stuck with that company forever and need to pay a large amount
- The renewal of service is also free, some company charge high price for renewal.
Opt for different providers for your domain and hosting:
Don’t register your domain at the same company, because if something goes wrong with hosting you can break off the relationship; because your domain name is your online identity, the most valuable and irreplaceable asset of your website.
Understand the disk space terms:
Ask your provider, if the website becomes popular overnight and you have a huge amount of visitors, if they going to charge more for the huge data transfer or not.
Check out the market to find out more about them, take feedback from existing customers and look on the web for different companies and customer feedback.
Purchase by using commission rebates or coupons:
You can save a good amount by using commission rebates or coupons for buying web hosting services. It may be possible that some hosts that don’t give out coupons, check out what they provide you; another way to save money
Don’t rely on the host for backup files as hosts need to perform regular backups; it’s really difficult for them to do off-site backups.
Avoid long term contracts:
Unless the hosting company have good customer service don’t go for long term contracts.
About The Author
Deepu Balan
Hi there! I’m a web UI/UX architect. This is my online playground, my beautiful space to share my passions, my work and what I find inspiring.