Hi there! Another year has come and gone, and 2009 was a great year for me personally. There were plenty of good things that happened in my life during this period, but not such a great year professionally though. Since we’re getting to that time of year again when everyone starts to think about their New Year plans, I’ve come up with a few ideas for my New Year’s Resolutions. In 2010, I will…
- Make my portfolio page ready. 😉
- Read at least 2 articles or blog-posts related to web/graphic design each day.
- Do more research on typography techniques, learn all about serifs, side-bearings, kerning etc in detail and design my own professional quality font.
- Brush-up my PHP-Mysql skills and develop some simple innovative web application.
- Design my own WordPress / Drupal theme from scratch and share it free.
- Do more research on Ray-tracing and create my own POV image using POV-ray.
- Learn JQuery and implement it in my projects.
- Do more research on usability and try to implement it practically in my projects.
- Acquire more in-depth practical knowledge in GIMP, and get enough confident to survive in a world without photoshop. Design a new webpage mockup completely using GIMP.
- Design a new theme for my blog breaking all conventional UI design rules, using weird color combinations. And then review the response from the design community.
- Learn more about professional photography. Create a photo-blog for my mobile photos, and update it regularly with a new photo everyday if possible.
- Concentrate more on mobile phone browser friendly web page designing.
- Update this blog regularly with a minimum of 3 posts each month.
- Be more active on all major social networking sites.
- Find time for family, Outing / eat-out with family at least once in a month.
- Make sure to get at least 7 hours of continuous sleep every night.
- Do regular exercising and never skip my breakfast again.
Now that the goal setting part is over, lemme see how it goes… 😉
About The Author
Deepu Balan
Hi there! I’m a web UI/UX architect. This is my online playground, my beautiful space to share my passions, my work and what I find inspiring.
Dear Deepubalan,
Interesting Post Overlook about New Many years Resolutions in January, they will not function! You happen to be throwing away your time! September is the greatest time to set New Year’s Resolutions.
This was posted two years ago. It’s already 2012. Have you already had your 2012 resolutions? I hope you had.
Thanks for dropping by Roxanne 🙂
Yeah, designing their own portfolio is the toughest task for any designer. I have checked you DA page gallery, It’z really cool. I would suggest you not wait for any inspiration, just register your own domain name and install wordpress, post your first blog post by uploading your all-time favorite design work. That’s it, Inspirations will pour in, I bet. So just set a deadline and release your personal blog/portfolio, do lemme know the URL once it is done. 😉
Thanks for your updated on GIMP latest version, I will soon be trying it out. 🙂 All the very best…
Just wanted to let you know your website is great 🙂 I’m havin the same issues with my portfolio, I’m neurotic and want it perfect and so nothing gets done on it, lol.
I use GIMP, the new version – It’s not that bad, I’ve linked to my DA page – sometimes it’s a lil harder to use than photoshop, but overall the advances have been marvelous, it’s much more user friendly and there are many many brushes that can be used, including quiet a few from photo shop, as well as actions can now be transferred making everything much easier.
Good luck on your resolutions 😀
Thanks for dropping by Anton…
I have not yet tried the latest version GIMP, but I have tried an earlier version last year. You are right it was really horrible when we compare it with photoshop. But I heard that the latest available version of GIMP is much advanced and user friendly.
any progress with GIMP?? i must admit, compare it with photoshop, it is so painful :p