Content is king and this is laid bare by the report published by Quick sprout recently, in a report. In the report, it publishes a new info graphic that gives the state of SEO illustrating the way this field has evolved on the back of Google’s algorithms. Search marketing agencies surveyed said that social media is either somewhat or highly incorporated in their SEO strategy. As fate would have it, just two months after this report, Google’s Matt Cutts refuted the marketers belief that Google’s search engine algorithm was based on social signals like Facebook likes and Twitter followers. This article will lay bare five facts about social media and SEO that everyone must know. These facts will reveal the truth about the status of social media and SEO in the current state of affairs.
The facts
Social links may or may not boost one’s search ranking
When a blog post goes viral, then the social backlinks published on the profile are considered to boost the post’s search ranking. This is what marketers think. Links to your content on social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and YouTube help search engines understand which websites are credible and which are not. It also takes into consideration what websites are ranked for which keyword phrases. However, in Danny Sullivan’s interview given to Google and Bing for Search Engine Watch, there are contradicting revelations. Therefore, the status of social links vis-à-vis one’s search engine ranking is not certain.
Social media profiles rank in search engines
When researching a company I do not know much about, I go straight to its Twitter and Facebook pages. Thus, if a social account were to show up at the top of the search results, I would be as likely to click on it, as I would be to click on their website. Although, social media likes and shares do not affect the search engine rankings of your website, your social media profiles definitely do. If your company is a brand name then it will figure in the top of the search engine results. A good social media profile on sites like Instagram or Pinterest will help in promoting the brand.
Social media channels are search engines, too
Google and Bing are not the only sources for information on the net. People also go to social media channels like Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter. In fact, social media is the new SEO. Moreover, if someone wishes to check out your company, they can always go on its Facebook page to see more information. Moreover, YouTube and Google are also search engines. Brands that have beautiful visual content on their websites would do well to make their content visible on sites like Instagram and Pinterest. They can do so by providing hashtags and categorizing the pins. Like Google and Bing, social media channels like Twitter are also search engines.
Not now does not mean not ever
As things stand, social media does not appear to cease to becoming a less important part of a reputed brand or an individual’s online presence, anytime in the near future. Given that strategies like guest blogging have become less reliable to indicate the webpage quality, the onus is on search engines to look for other signals of authority and value. It is a myth that social media will cease to matter in a brand’s search engine rankings. Brands who wish to strengthen their social media footprint will continue to establish their expertise in certain niche social media channels and consider SEO when designing their social media strategy.
Do not forget Bing
Bing has said; We look at the social authority of the user, how many people you follow, how many people follow you and how this will add weight to a listing in search engine results. Bing has been categorical in saying that their algorithm incorporates social signals into their search engine results and they have not flip-flopped on this issue anytime. With its market share steadily growing, Bing would do well to include itself in the company’s SEO strategies. Bing is one search engine that has a similar reach as Google. Also, it does not want people to be dependent on someone else.
Thus, if you accept the inevitability that your brand name has not yet been established, then being on social media channels will profit you rather than having your own website. People ask you for premium rebates, etc.
About The Author
Deepu Balan
Hi there! I’m a web UI/UX architect. This is my online playground, my beautiful space to share my passions, my work and what I find inspiring.