You desire everything you create to be original, unique and to distinguish itself from the other websites out there. As a result you must think a lot about your new project and you must let creativity guide your work, if you want to come up with something completely new and one of a kind. My suggestion for you is to try something bold because it will certainly say a lot about your new website and it will make it look special. However, before getting down to business you must ask yourself these two questions:
- How can I make it bold?
- Is it worth it to try such a design?
Ways of making your website bold.
There are various means through which a web designer could add a bold touch to his or her website. But, the first thing I would like to mention is that this person should not exaggerate with bold choices. I’m sure you know it by now, but still I would like to remember to you that one should not shock his or her audience with the web design features, but one should leave them the impression that the website is nice, easy to use and interesting at the same time. Thus, do not create a conglomerate of bold design features and keep it simple otherwise you won’t get the desired effect.
Color Palette:
In case you love colors and you have a vast knowledge, on their combinations, it is advisable to go for a bolder color palette. However, like I have just mentioned it is preferable to do so, only if you know a lot about colors. On the other hand you should not let your unfamiliarity with color theory discourage you. Read about this issue on the Internet, combine colors according to your preference and then ask those around you if your choice is nice or if you must work on this matter. Be honest with yourself, accept others’ opinions and you won’t fail to impress.
An example of a bold color palette would be one that would contain red, pink, purple or green, yellow and orange. But, if you don’t want to use more colors on your website, but still have a bold creation, you can go for various shades of the same hue. Anyway; you just keep in mind that bold colors will bring live to your website and thus it will make it more appealing to people.
The font you choose is definitely a way of making your website look bold. This means that you will have to look and search until you have found a typeface that would transform your website from common to bold. Just the way colors have the power to transmit certain feelings to people, so does the typography of your website. A certain font will make visitors remember about the books their mother used to read them from, others will be perceived as powerful and bold and will surely help you meet your goal. So, pay attention at this factor, too and pick something that will make you feel proud of your creation.
Not to mention the graphics, which are definitely decisive when it comes to creating a bold aspect .They say that it is mandatory to add at least one image per text, since in this way people will find it easier to get the whole idea. Well, when you will deal with this matter, my suggestion for you is to focus on something really impressive that will make your audience come again. Beware though you would better not fall in the temptation of using something too audacious. The picture must suit the text and at the same time it should impress the visitors through the feelings it transmits.
The logo of your website is another graphic design element that may add a special effect to your website. Again, here you must focus on the right colors. They should say from the beginning that your website is not something common and ordinary, but it is something unique, daring and really different. Therefore, when creating the logo of your website it is important to keep this in mind, because your ideas and thoughts are the ones that will get you closer to accomplishing your goal.
The motifs behind this design
A bold look is the right choice for the web designer who desires to be noticed and who wants his or her websites to be successful. Usually, daunting elements are the ones that people observe first, so you should definitely take advantage of them. So, one motif could be the fact that bold elements create a recipe of success. I’m sure you want to be acknowledged and your website to become flourishing, so you should not hesitate, when it comes to choosing such design features.
Your personal preferences are important, but they should not be the absolute criterion when picking something for your website. If you are a shy person and if you believe that bold elements are not exactly something that would represent you, you would better forget about this idea. What you should care about is finding successful methods that would attract your readers. After all, you are doing this for them so if bold is appealing for them then it is attractive for you too. It is crucial to think about your visitors whenever you make an important decision, otherwise you will be severely criticized. So, another motif why web designers should go for something audacious is due to the fact that their visitors find it attractive and appealing.
And finally, it is important to choose bold, because this way you will prove that you are not afraid to think outside the box and to pick something original. People usually fall in love with websites that adapt to the newest trends, thus you will have to show that you are not reticent to changes, but on the contrary you embrace them. So, upgrade your website with the boldest design features and visitors will start to use it.
About The Author
Deepu Balan
Hi there! I’m a web UI/UX architect. This is my online playground, my beautiful space to share my passions, my work and what I find inspiring.